20 Articles
Jeremy Clarkson apologizes for gay slur in Twitter pic

Jeremy Clarkson may be many things to many people, but politically correct is not one of them. It is, after all, his opinionated nature that makes him who he is. But every once in a while – okay, more than every once in a while – he falls afoul of offending one group of people or another. And this time, it's the gay community.

Chrysler gives employees day off to vote

SRT president and CEO, Ralph Gilles, is doing his best today to make sure workers at Chrysler are getting to their local polling stations and casting votes. The executive started off the morning by stating on his Twitter feed that, "Chrysler gave its entire work force the day off to Vote Today! Let's go

Smart USA doesn't take crap from anyone

The minds at Smart USA took to Twitter to make a point about the manufacturer's tridion safety cell recently. Clayton Hove, who runs a snarky blog about advertising, joked that he "Saw a bird had crapped on a Smart Car. Totaled it," leaving the door wide open for Smart to work up a response. And respond the automaker did.

Police using Twitter to track down stolen cars

Police in Seattle have turned to social media in an effort to help recover stolen vehicles. By sending out a Tweet that describes the liberated vehicle, authorities are hoping someone in the network of followers will spot it and report the vehicle's location. The Twitter account being used by the SPD goes by the handle Jeff Glucker

Peter De Lorenzo takes on auto industry in 140 characters or less

The Autoextremist, Peter De Lorenzo, has done his best for "the minions, the gamers, the coddled and the entitled" who want an update on the auto industry but don't want to bother actually reading about it. You know the folks – the ones who write "summarize plz" or "Cliffs Notes?" in a comment thread because they can't be bothered taking the time to figure out what happened.

Rumormill: OnStar to add hands-free Twitter functionality?

General Motors' OnStar in-car communications system can give you directions or help you make a phone call, and soon it may also be able to send and receive Tweets. Gear Live recently received a survey from the General announcing that Twitter functionality could soon be on the way.