35 Articles
Musk says Tesla Roadster is delayed until after Cybertruck

He also repeated his view that states' lockdown orders were 'unconstitutional'

Talking with stand-up comic Joe Rogan, the billionaire also doubled down on his critique of stay-at-home orders imposed by U.S. states to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Musk said states' lockdown orders were "unconstitutional" and would not hold up before the U.S. Supreme Court if challenged. The interview marked Musk's second appearance on Rogan's podcast, which is videotaped and published online.

Tesla Cybertruck hits 250,000 preorders, according to Musk tweet

Potential buyers can book a truck with a fully refundable $100 deposit

Musk has been promoting the Cybertruck on Twitter and cryptically tweeting out updates to the number of orders the company has received since the launch late Thursday. After more than 50 interaction on Twitter since the launch, he tweeted "250k" on Tuesday night in an apparent reference to the number of orders. Tesla opened preorders immediately after the unveiling and allowed potential buyers to book the truck by depositing a fully refundable $100, compared with the $1,000 it charged for book

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