27 Articles
Watch Emily Blunt and John Krasinski prank Jimmy Kimmel's SUV

Jimmy Kimmel has a bit of a rivalry going with Emily Blunt and John Krasinski. Not like the "I'm on television, you're on the radio" one he has with his former Man Show co-host Adam Carolla (who of course has more to do with cars than the last name he almost shares with a Toyota economy sedan). With Blunt and Krasinski, it's mor

Here's the backstory on Gordon's Pepsi prank from Okulski himself

Last week, we all watched with enjoyment as Jalopnik editor Travis Okulski got epically pranked by a mustachioed Jeff Gordon. As we explained then, Gordon starred in a memorable "viral" ad for Pepsi, which saw the NASCAR champion disguise himself and take a car salesman on a wild test drive. It was all called out as bull, and Okulski was on

Epic prank aims to prevent DUI No. 6

What do you do about a friend whose drinking and driving problem has reached epic – five-DUI-infractions epic – proportions? Well, if you're a self-professed YouTube "prankster" you might do something to scare him straight.

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