41 Articles
Motorcyclist rides underside of SUV out of T-bone crash

Quick reflexes help rider survive this close shave

Quick reflexes and a bit of luck can make a big difference in an accident, especially when you're a motorcyclist caught between a car and an SUV. This hair-raising helmet-cam video is evidence of that. YouTube user Malik Elizee walked away from a close call when a Chevy Camaro T-boned a Toyota RAV4 directly in his path.

Biker in Scotland liable for accident involving motorcycle he sold

A man in Scotland could be saddled with thousands of dollars in bills caused by a motorcycle crash that he had nothing to do with. The tragic incident occurred when Paul Duffy sold his bike, and the new owner was in a fatal accident on it a few days later. However, the rider didn't have any insurance on the cycle, and Duffy hadn't yet canceled his own policy.

Watch this British motorcyclist tumble down a 40-foot hill

The image above is a frame from English motorcyclist Jack Sanderson's helmet cam. After a bit of impatience while riding a seven-mile stretch of the A537 called Cat and Fiddle, 21-year-old Sanderson learned why it's one of the most dangerous roads in all of Europe. He took a corner too fast, couldn't keep it inside the white dividing line and, when he crossed into the oncoming lane, there was a Honda headed at him.

Jack Nicklaus' grandson survives chilling motorcycle crash, caught on camera

Nick O'Leary, grandson of golf legend Jack Nicklaus and starting tight end for the Florida State Seminoles, received a rather brutal lesson in the laws of physics. An inattentive Lexus driver pulled out in front of the FSU player while he was traveling along on his motorcycle. The resulting collision ejected O'Leary from his bike, sending him sailing down the road for an estimated 75 to 100 feet, and the whole thing was captured on video.

Motorcyclist Dies After 285-MPH Accident

Bill Warner was attempting to break his own world record in Maine

The fastest man on two wheels died on Sunday attempting to break his own world record. Bill Warner crashed after losing control of his modified turbocharged Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle, veering off a paved runway while traveling 285 mph.

Motorcyclist rear ends truck, lands in bed and goes for a ride

Just imagine for a moment that you're driving across a long stretch of secluded desert highway, and suddenly you see a hand waving at you from inside the vehicle in the rearview mirror. While this might seem like the stuff of scary urban legends, it is exactly what happened to a man last week as he was driving his Nissan pickup through California's High Desert.

Calculating the cost of a motorcycle accident

Like it or not, you're thirty times more likely to die in a motorcycle accident than in an automobile crash. There's little wondering why. As a rider, you're bouncing around at high velocities in close proximity to stationary objects and machines many times your mass. In a best-case-scenario, going off-bike will see you vying with pavement, other vehicles and your own bike with nothing protect you but some Kevlar, a little leather and a bit

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