24 Articles
Danny Trejo frees young boy from overturned car

'OK, we have to use our superpowers'

Hollywood actor Danny Trejo, known for his tough-guy roles in such films as 'Machete,' helped rescue a young boy who was trapped in a car that overturned in a Los Angeles traffic collision on Wednesday. Trejo, 75, told television station KABC-TV he was on his way to an auto mechanic in L.A.'s Sylmar neighborhood when he saw a motorist run a red light and crash into another car, which flipped over onto its roof in the intersection. Trejo and another bystander - a woman who identified herself as

Auto Accessories
This car trash can is 31% off for the next few hours

Keep your car free of clutter for $10.92

It's too easy to let your car get filled with clutter, especially if you have kids. All too often we just choose a random plastic bag and that becomes the official car garbage spot. I think if we're honest with ourselves, though; we're better than that. Thankfully, HOTOR has a great actual garbage c

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