45 Articles
Are biodiesel-hungry thieves stealing waste grease?

It used to be that restaurants had to pay to have their waste oil taken away. Then, with the boom in homemade biodiesel, people were willing to schlepp it away for free, which made everyone happy. I ', pretty sure there are some areas today where biodiesel groups are paying to take the oil away. But, with the high gas prices and the easy-to-understand value of waste oil, said oil is disappearing from restaurants in Wichita, Kansas, Sebastian Blanco

VIDEO: Karma flies, sounds like jet

We were telling you recently about the Fisker Karma showing up in fake camo stickers as part of a PR campaign. This being the 21st century and all, video, as well as the still photos, was taken and now is available on YouTube. Said video is equipped with sound and has the Karma accelerating to the tune of something akin to twin turbines. Having Domenick Yoney

More info on NBC's plans for Top Gear USA

We reported yesterday that both NBC's Fall 2008 and Summer 2009 lineups will not include the U.S. version of Top Gear, but that doesn't mean the peacock network isn't keeping the show as a feather in its multicolor plume. There's a section on NBC's website for primetime shows being developed for the 2008-2009 season, and one page is devoted to Top

Nerd Alert! Geo Metro: the new "it" car?

It's not uncommon for owners of the late, lamented Geo Metro XFI, which USA Today refers to as "nerdy," to report fuel mileage rivaling and sometimes beating hybrids such as the Toyota Prius. The lightweight structure and very small engines - just three-cylinders and 49 horsepower for the Metro - allow these little runabouts to post great mileage figures. With gas prices at an all-time high, the efficiency of

Spy Photo: Is BMW 1-series mule affected by footprint-based CAFE regs?

When NHTSA recently released draft regulations to implement the fuel economy requirements from December's Energy Bill a controversial element of the proposal were the footprint-based thresholds. Rather than setting a single requirement that all manufacturers fleets would have to meet, the proposal set mileage thresholds based on the vehicle's footprint (the wheelbase x track width)

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