VIDEO: Karma flies, sounds like jet

We were telling you recently about the Fisker Karma showing up in fake camo stickers as part of a PR campaign. This being the 21st century and all, video, as well as the still photos, was taken and now is available on YouTube. Said video is equipped with sound and has the Karma accelerating to the tune of something akin to twin turbines. Having heard previously that an actual running prototype of the car wouldn't be seen until closer to the sunset of 2008, we have to wonder what it is making all that racket powering this machine. Is it the rumored VW engine or an electric drivetrain? It doesn't exactly sound like the cross between a "Formula 1 car and a jet plane" that Monsieur Fisker spoke of during it's unveiling at the Detroit Auto Show. Perhaps it's just a simulation of a jet via speakers. Not being able to decide ourselves we leave it to you, the treasured reader, to let us know in your comments after viewing the video on the other side of the jump.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: YouTube]

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