32 Articles
Parents using Uber as child carpool alternative [w/poll]

Some kids ride home from school in a school bus. Others get picked up by their parents or nannies, or by carpool with other parents. Some walk or ride their bikes, or take public transportation. But Baily Deeter of Atherton, CA, simply hits a button on his iPhone and orders a cab from Uber.

Kids Group Wants White House To Address Hot-Car Deaths

An average of 38 children die each year in the United States from vehicular heatstroke

Kids and Cars, a nonprofit organization that advocates for children's traffic safety, is asking the federal government to provide funds for research and development of technology that can detect a child left in the rear seat of a vehicle.

Kids group wants White House to address hot-car deaths

Cars come equipped with alarms that remind motorists to buckle their seatbelts, chimes that indicate headlights are still on after the engine is turned off and buzzers that sound if keys are left in the ignition, says Janette Fennell. Forget a sleeping child in the rear seats, however, and drivers are on their own.

Cases Of Kids Dying In Hot Cars All Too Common

They're normally tragic accidents; Georgia case may be rare exception

The circumstances surrounding the death of a Georgia toddler in a hot car last month are macabre. Authorities say Justin Ross Harris, 33, may have left his 22-month-old son, Cooper, in the family's car for more than seven hours on purpose while temperatures in Cobb County, Georgia, reached 92 degrees.

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