55 Articles
A conversation with GM's Mark Reuss on MPG, aluminum and Corvettes

Sometimes the person and the job are a perfect fit

There was plenty to talk about when General Motors hosted its annual mid-December holiday media reception a few months ago. GM had just decided to pull its global Chevrolet brand out of major European markets, where Chevys have competed directly with GM Europe Opel and Vauxhall vehicles, and the US government had sold its last remaining shares of GM stock.

Turn 10 talks Forza Motorsport 4 Porsche DLC with Autoblog

Turn 10 Studios made some big waves when the video game developer announced it had finally come to an agreement with Porsche and EA Games over a licensing deal that would see the German sports cars make it into the Forza Motorsport 4 universe. Autoblog recently sat down with Dan Greenawalt, the director of Turn 10 studios, for

Lexus: "Hybrids aren't just a transition technology"

Lexus big boss in Europe Andy Pfeiffenberger was interviewed by news agency Europa Press and discussed the future of the brand and his perspectives on the auto industry. First and foremost, Pfeiffenberger stated that hybrids are here to stay: they aren't just going to be mated to gasoline engines, they can be used for virtually all powertrains, including hydrogen, and he stated that that's where the future is. Speaking about the future of the auto market, he said that Lexus was ready for a more

Fiat CEO: Our most realistic way to go green to reduce size

If you didn't know, Sergio Marchionne is Fiat's CEO. In a recent interview in the French-speaking Swiss media outlet L'Hebdo, he spoke about the bank crisis, Switzerland's politics and his life in Switzerland. But he also talked about the car of the future, that is, the car of the near future.

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