Autoblog Podcast #58

Being the pundits we are, we have plenty to say in Autoblog Podcast #58. We start right off addressing the rumors of a GM/Chrysler deal, and offer myraid reasons why it's not a good idea yet may be justifiable to some folks. We move on to flogging the VW/GM suicide commercial debate for a little while, which sets the stage for us discussing the Daytona 500, naturally. It's also revealed that John's on board to give NASCAR as much of a chance as he can stomach this season. So far, that amounts to about an hour and a half before the siren song of video games becomes too loud to ignore. Wrapping up, we trade opinions on the Maserati Coupe and the Audi A5 before touching briefly on the impending XM/Sirius merger. It's chock-full of good stuff this time around, so enjoy the 'cast! We'll try and have an enhanced version with video up for you as soon as possible.
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