Car Companies want you to Discover Alternatives

Car manufacturing companies have been walking a fine line for a while now. They continue to make giant gas-guzzlers (because consumers still buy them) and they are also pouring millions into developing new technologies that will power automobiles without quite as much pollution (because consumers buy these alternative energy vehicles). They are also meeting with the U.S. government to discuss troubled times ahead for the entire industry.

As they work through all their various outside pressures, the auto companies have taken the time to put together a very nice looking website about alternative energy vehicles. The site is sponsored by the Auto Alliance, which is made up of nine companies (BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Ford, GM, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Toyota and VW). Noticeably absent is Honda, which is just as confident in its ability to sell alternative vehicles in the future.

The Discover Alternatives site isn't for hardcore greenies nor for techheads, but it does provide an introduction to the different types of green automobile technology and the makes and models of alternative energy vehicles available today and tomorrow. Obviously the site is more concerned about promoting the models sold by members of the Auto Alliance than on delivering comprehensive information on what's available, because Honda cars are not listed. So it goes.

[Source: Auto Alliance]

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