17 Articles
Stay Safe In Parking Lots

 How often do you find yourself in a crowded parking lot? Probably more often than you'd like, which is why it's so important to take safety precautions that you may not normally think of. Believe it or not, parking lots can be extremely da

Parking lot traps uncoordinated driver [NSFW]

We certainly have sympathy for this hapless driver who had a difficult time leaving a Wits University parking lot in Johannesburg, South Africa. The lot is overcrowded and probably beyond capacity, making the driver's efforts to turn down its lanes an exercise in futility and frustration. It doesn't help that the camera operator and his friends offer nothing but colorful (read: explicit, hence the NSFW warning) commentary. They refer to the driver as being female, but it's not possible to tell f

LAX pulls the plug on free electric vehicle parking deal

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) did a great job encouraging electric vehicle trips to the airport by setting up 38 charging stations in two separate lots and offering EV drivers free parking spaces. Those no-cost spots were a huge draw, to be sure, but airport authorities have now decided to pull the plug . The airport said it will stop the free parking deal in March, in part to reduce the growing volume of electric cars circling the lot waiting for one of the coveted spots to open up.

Greening up parking lots means pricing them better, turning them into actual parks

Your car is not doing any environmental damage when it's parked, is it? Maybe not directly, but the simple act of parking plays an important role in enabling people to drive more without really considering the consequences or alternatives and, more importantly, creates a lot of emissions while people look for a parking spot. Two related stories on this issue crossed our virtual desk today, one that rethinks how parking should opera

Green Spider says turn off the lot lights when no ones parking

What do you do after you've greened your ride and made the road a big solar panel? You tackle the parking lot, of course. That's the suggestion of the company behind the Green Spider, a way to turn down your parking lot lights. The idea is that you don't need to have all four (or whatever) lights at the top of the pole on at one time, and so:

Full Boat: Dormant ships being used as lots for unsold vehicles

Looking for a place to stash tens of thousands of unsold new vehicles, automakers are turning unused car carrier ships into floating parking holds. It's an unusual development, especially in a shipping industry that is used to having boats filled to capacity and running full steam across the seas. As shippers face sharp declines in traffic, the world's fleet of 640 floating car carriers have been forced to make serious adjustments to cut costs and determine ways to absorb extra capacity. With di