56 Articles
The aquatic camper we've been waiting for

Behold the Sealander; Germany's take on go-anywhere camper. This little vessel is small and light enough to be towed by any modestly-powered CUV and features a fully-configurable interior. Inside, there's space for a four-person table, a kitchenette and a sleeping area, and there's even space outside for a deck. Why would you want a deck on your tiny camper? Because you'll need somewhere to stand w

Think all RVs are eco-unfriendly? Try these Top 10 modern homes on wheels

Mobile homes, RVs, travel trailers, caravans, and campers are very green forms of housing because they are prefabricated and small. Mobile homes' assembly line construction uses less energy and creates less waste than regular home construction. Mobile homes are usually smaller and that means less energy to heat and cool. We figures there are many new modern designs for mobile homes you might have missed, so we compiled a list of the newest and the best in homes on wheels. Below the fold are the

No, really? Top Gear admits that the caravan fire was a hoax

The BBC has had to admit that the "caravan fire" that concluded last season's special look at trailer life was staged. While most viewers might have figured out that Jezza and the gang had started the fire intentionally for comedic effect, enough people apparently thought the fire was real that the BBC felt it had to issue a statement saying it was, indeed, faked. Not only was the fire a fake, but Top Gear paid £1000 to have a fire engine and six crew members on standby.

What could be done to green up RV's? Here are Coachmen's ideas.

RV's, or recreational vehicles if you prefer, are a very popular means of transportation, especially when vacation time rolls around. I can remember taking family vacations to such destinations as the Smoky Mountains in our family's own RV. But, as highlighted in this article, RV's in general are built with little mind to environmental concerns. Hazardous plastics and chemicals go into the production of RV's.

Think the Bangle Butt is ugly? Check out the BMW Air Camper

We could think of many captions for this picture that would have us on the floor in stitches, but we'll leave that up to you in the comments. For our part, we'll tell you why this BMW 1-Series has a severely swollen rear end. The inflatable sphere hanging off the back is called the "Air Camper". According to Winding Road, which discovered the accessory in Intersection Magazine, the UK-based high-fashion mag commissioned BMW to produce the bubble

Corvair History 101: The Ultra Van

Here's a totally different flavor of Corvair that wasn't mentioned in our recent Reader Ride feature. The Ultra Van is a true Corvair, according to the Corvair Society of America (CORSA), even though it didn't roll off a GM assembly line. The Ultra Van is more akin to a cabin cruiser on the inside and a DC-10 in construction, with a happy-looking front-end, to boot. In case the pictur

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