87 Articles
The Golden Arches: Gilded McMerc spotted in - you guessed it - Dubai

Redefining the term "enough is enough", the owner of this car is said to have had his SLR gold-chromed. The strangest part is that, according to reports, this is actually the same Mercedes SLR McLaren that was previously spied in Dubai with a silver-chrome treatment. We're not sure about the accuracy of this model considering it has a different rear spoiler, different wheels (which have also been gold

Why have there been 3,000 cars abandoned at the Dubai airport?

You had to know it was going to end. Dubai's storied boom is starting to falter as the worldwide economic woes catch up with the nation's real estate and financial services-fueled good times. Abandoned cars are beginning to pile up at Dubai International Airport as overextended expatriates flee. Dubai throws debtors in the pokey, and if you lose your job, they yank your visa; two good reasons to drive to the airport and leave your maxed out credit cards on the passenger seat with an "I'm sorry"

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