Autoblog Minute

Autoblog Minute: Honda drops Takata, airbag maker fined $70M

US regulators hit Takata Corporation with a substantial fine, and Honda drops the embattled parts supplier. Autoblog's Adam Morath reports on this edition of Autoblog Minute.
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[00:00:00] US regulators hit Takata with a substantial fine, and Honda drops the embattled supplier. I'm Adam Morath and this is your Autoblog Minute.

In the latest developments surrounding Takata's deadly airbag scandal, Transportation secretary Anthony Foxx released a statement accusing Takata of providing investigators with quote, "incomplete, inaccurate, and misleading information." Foxx also announced that a 70 million dollar fine,

[00:00:30] which could grow to 200 million should Takata Corporation not meet certain conditions.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration exercised its authority, issuing a mandate to speed up repairs citing 2019 as the deadline to fix recalled cars.

Japanese automaker Honda dropped Takata in the wake of the scandal. The company said in a statement: "Honda expects its suppliers to act with integrity at all times and we are deeply troubled by this apparent behavior by one of our suppliers." We'll continue to report

[00:01:00] as the story evolves. For Autoblog, I'm Adam Morath.

Autoblog Minute Logo Autoblog Minute is a short-form video news series reporting on all things automotive. Each segment offers a quick and clear picture of what's happening in the automotive industry from the perspective of Autoblog's expert editorial staff, auto executives, and industry professionals.

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