Feds find no evidence of faulty electronics in Toyota models

The ongoing saga of unintended acceleration in Toyota vehicles has taken another turn today as Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood released a statement indicating that no evidence of electronic problems in runaway Toyotas has been found.

"The jury is back. The verdict is in. There is no electronic-based cause for unintended high-speed acceleration in Toyotas. Period." said LaHood in a prepared statement. This finding comes at the end of a 10-month investigation carried out jointly by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and NASA that was requested by Congress.

Over 280,000 separate lines of code embedded in the electronics of potentially affected Toyota vehicles were examined by NASA, none of which contained any flaws capable of causing runaway acceleration, says the report.

This isn't to say that the government has found that Toyota is not at fault in any way. LaHood added, "Our conclusion – that Toyota's problems were mechanical, not electrical – come after one of the most exhaustive, thorough and intensive research efforts ever undertaken."

Those mechanical problems, namely sticky accelerator pedals and pedals that got trapped under faulty floor mats, "remain the only known causes for these kind of unsafe unintended acceleration incidents," says NHTSA. It should prove interesting to see how the courts – both of public opinion and of law – react to these findings.

[Source: The Detroit News | Image: Ramin Talaie/Getty]

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