Cadillac kicks current ad agency to the curb, seeking new suitors

Click above to view Modernista's Cadillac commercials after the jump

It was three years ago that Cadillac switched to ad agency Modernista!, and one year leater it rolled out its "Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit." campaign. In a four-sentence statement put out by Cadillac General Manager Bryan Nesbitt, the brand is looking for a new agency and Modernista! "has elected not to participate" in the search.

There have been various reasons given for the split. An agency rep said it was down to "creative and strategic differences." Another report said it was about fees and Cadillac not being able to stick with a small independent, versus going with a shop under the same corporate umbrella as GM's other ad agencies. And Fritz Henderson said "We think we can do better."

Cadillac did well enough with the Kate Walsh ads, and its Reignition spot created the kind of anticipation the brand sorely needs. We look forward to seeing what kind of "better" Henderson and Lutz have in mind. In the meantime, follow the jump to check out some memorable Caddy ads from Modernista and a spot from the campaign before, "Breakthrough."

[Source: GM]

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