McCain in favor of national CO2 limits

U.S. Presidential hopeful John McCain says he opposes the notion that individual states should be able to set their own carbon dioxide emissions regulations. Still, it sounds as if automakers could be in for a shocker if the Republican were to be elected, as he says, "My goal would be to see a federal standard that every state could embrace. I think we can achieve a status where that would go away." So, it sounds as if the target for CO2 emissions could be set even lower than currently planned. McCain likely mimics the thoughts of the Detroit 3 as he says, "It's going to be hard, it's going to be long and it's going to be tough."

McCain appears to see the future of the American auto market as one made up of small, fuel efficient cars. His latest stop was at GM's Lordstown, Ohio assembly plant where the Chevrolet Cobalt and Pontiac G5 are built, a plant McCain sees as key to GM's successes. Still, the major players in the industry will be on their own, as McCain has no intention to offer any sort of bailout to any of the Detroit 3.

[Source: The Detroit News]

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