10 Articles
Will RFS play big role in 2016 presidential elections?

With the 2016 US presidential election already getting rolling, the debate over the Renewable Fuel Standard could play role in farming-intense states. Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, a supporter of the mandate, thinks candidates who don't support the RFS could be at a disadvantage there for the very important caucuses.

Chrysler gives employees day off to vote

SRT president and CEO, Ralph Gilles, is doing his best today to make sure workers at Chrysler are getting to their local polling stations and casting votes. The executive started off the morning by stating on his Twitter feed that, "Chrysler gave its entire work force the day off to Vote Today! Let's go

Presidential politics and the price of gas, a quadrennial plea for votes

In 2008, when Democrats were suggesting President Bush was causing America's then-high gas prices, Fox News went to the mat to support their Commander in Chief, repeatedly explaining why the President can't really control gas prices. Media Matters has collected some of these clips into a flashback video (which you can find below) and it's a good history lesson at a time when gas prices are again near the top of the list of political quote bombs being thrown at the current President. The issue is

McCain in favor of national CO2 limits

U.S. Presidential hopeful John McCain says he opposes the notion that individual states should be able to set their own carbon dioxide emissions regulations. Still, it sounds as if automakers could be in for a shocker if the Republican were to be elected, as he says, "My goal would be to see a federal standard that every state could embrace. I think we can achieve a status where that would go away." So, it