Trying to find the green at the Super Bowl - it's there if you look for it

We've covered some of the green car items that'll be on TV this afternoon, including an ad for the Yukon Hybrid, but what about the people who actually go to the game? What sort of cleaner driving angle can they add to their day? A couple, but I'm not convinced anyone will ever be able to call the Super Bowl an eco-friendly event.
Still, there are a few green spots to the big game. Fox Business reports that this year's Super Bowl, like last year's, will use renewable energy certificates to indirectly offset carbon emissions. Also, at least one "high-profile Super Bowl party" will be a "100% environmentally sustainable event this year." According to FB, that means that, "The green celebration will be a 'zero net waste event,' meaning that everything from the cups to the tablecloths – even human waste – will be processed and reused in some way."

From Auto Spectator, we learn that the first E85 station opened up this past week in Phoenix, where the game will be played. The pump is operated by Western States Petroleum, which also provides a lot of biodiesel to Arizona.

The Fox Business story ends with a fitting look at the football players, who aren't exactly known for their green work. As Brendan Sexton of the environmental consulting firm Sexton Company says that the players need to change vehicles. Kind of.

"Maybe we'll get them into some hybrid SUVs. That would be a step in the right direction," he told FB.

All right, kick off is in just a few minutes...

[Source: Fox Business, Auto Spectator]

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