Wisconsin shooting for leadership in energy independence

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle this week created the Governor's Office of Energy Independence to implement renewable energy solutions including solar, wind, hydrogen, biodiesel and ethanol. Dedicating $40 million in his budget proposal for the initiative, Governor Doyle outlined his goal for Wisconsin to generate 25 percent of its power and transportation fuels from renewable sources by 2025. is pushing for Wisconsin to become the first state in the U.S. to produce cellulosic ethanol via grants worth $5 million.
"With new technology, and a commitment to renewable fuels, Wisconsin can lead the way - reducing global warming and helping this nation kick its addiction to foreign oil," Governor Doyle said as he also announced the creation of the Governor's Task Force on Global Warming.

Analysis: There is nothing like a little healthy competition to push things along and I'm sure we'll see more statements from governors and local councils promoting their region's renewable energy credentials. The best thing that could happen is a new gold-rush on renewable energy that resulted in the creation of lots of cellulosic ethanol plants, solar and wind farms, and other similar installations.

[Source: WisPolitics.com]

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