Wanna know what Ford thinks the difference is between Americans and Europeans? Check this out

I wrote the other day about the way Ford is offering personalization options to customers in Germany and Switzerland and, even though the options do not include ways to make your new Ford more fuel efficient, the promotional image for the service (called "Ford Individual") includes a zero-emission land-surfing vehicle in the background. Yesterday, when I went to Ford's media website, I was struck by the glaring difference in the Ford Individual image and the America-centered one above it, announcing Ford's "personal connection with consumers."
  • Ford's ideal background for Europe: sails.
  • Ford's ideal background for America: monster trucks. Also, a bull.
You can probably figure out my take on the absurdity of monster trucks and the fuel they burn (I have nothing against the bull), so I turn the floor over to you in the comments. What say you about this?

[Source: Ford]

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