Give the gift of AutoblogGreen this holiday, and we'll give back

I was speaking with a friend about AutoblogGreen the other day, and discovered that he didn't realize he could make our site into a niche site, focused solely on biodiesel, which is what his green car passion is. I showed him how to use the categories links beneath the tall and narrow ad in the central column. Because he didn't realize this, I thought perhaps there are others out there who could use a refresher course, or, I guess, a fresh course.

For example, to make AutoblogGreen a biodiesel site, click on "biodiesel" in the middle column and the site will display only the posts we writers have tagged as biodiesel stories. Even though we'd naturally like you to read the entire site, if you're part of an online community focused on a specific aspect of the green car world (EVs, hybrids, etc.), you can do this trick for any of our categories and send that specific link to your group (just find the URL in the address bar after clicking your preferred category. Share this link with your fellow community members, and give the gift of AutoblogGreen this holiday season.

Finally, I'd like to invite you to take a look at all of the features we've had up on AutoblogGreen in the last six months. There have been a lot, about dozens of categories. We've got interviews, vehicle reviews and exclusive show reports. Click through the jump, then click on any of the images to go the original pieces. Enjoy.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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