Gov. Schwarzenegger says Tesla Roadster is "hot"

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger took advantage of the assembled press at the LA Auto Show to list his environmental achievements. He also had his picture taken next to five of the greenest vehicles from the show, including the BMW Hydrogen 7, Mercedes-Benz E320 Bluetec, Chevy Tahoe with E85 flex-fuel capability, Honda FCX fuel cell concept and Tesla Roadster. Schwarzenegger called on the car companies to "think beyond gasoline and deliver cleaner, more efficient cars." and warned them, "you need to get on board, the train has left." A press rep for Schwarzenegger briefed the media earlier and said the governor would announce a plan to boost alternative fuels in the state but stressed that details have not been finalized. I must have missed such an announcement because all I heard was a glowing review of California's lead in the environmental movement. While the state is working harder than any other to develop an infrastructure for hydrogen, the governor seemed most impressed with battery-powered Tesla Roadster electric vehicle that was parked off to his right. Said Schwarzenegger when he introduced Tesla founder Martin Eberhardt: "I tested this one, it's hot!"

If you want to read about Schwarzenegger's environmental achievements, read the press release on this link. View more photos after the break.

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