Ford exec calls out Australian crash testing procedures after Courier gets poor marks


Ford of Australia president Tom Gorman is calling upon the Australian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) to work on its credibility. The Aussie program conducts crash testing programs (not unlike America's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), and has recently drawn fire for the manner and frequency with which it alters its criteria.

As a result of recent methodology and scoring changes, Ford's own Courier light truck saw its star ratings decline from three to two-- a dismal showing. Tom Gorman's response: "If you change protocols so frequently you lack legitimacy and credibility with the marketplace."

For its part, General Motors' Chevrolet and Holden criticized the European New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) on similar grounds, a program that closely mirrors that of Australia. GM did so after getting dinged for a two-star rating on its Chevrolet Aveo/Holden Barina. Authorities at the General had achieved better test results internally, and were apparently upset with the criteria.

[Source: The Red Book AU]

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