
Watch Top Gear host Matt LeBlanc drive a topless Reliant Robin

Matt LeBlanc kicks off his gig as Top Gear host with a 230-mile drive in a topless Reliant Robin from London to Blackpool. In a patriotic nod, his three-wheeler has a Stars-and-Stripes livery, and fellow presenter Chris Evans is along on the journey in a matching Robin, which wears the Union Jack. We hope the production staff didn't modify the cars to roll over like it did when Jeremy Clarkson was behind the wheel.

Footage on Twitter (below) shows them setting off from the BBC offices. Because this is England in February, the guys are likely to experience a cold and possibly rainy trip, but it should make for a funny segment.

Top Gear reportedly returns to television in the UK on May 8 for a 16-episode run, but there's no word yet when the show might premiere in the US. The BBC announced the full cast last week that included Evans, LeBlanc, Sabine Schmitz, Chris Harris, Eddie Jordan, Rory Reid, and The Stig.

A spy shot previously showed Evans and Schmitz filming another segment at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. The Nürburgring master was driving an Audi R8 V10 plus and had Evans in the passenger seat. Apparently her skills got the best of him because the photo spotted Evans sick on the side of the track.

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