16 Articles
Cuba opens up sale of new cars for first time since 1959 revolution

Cuban citizens will be able to freely buy new and used cars for the very first time since the island country converted to communism in 1959. Previously, citizens were only able to buy and sell cars without government approval if they were built before the revolution, which accounts for the spectacular array of vintage American metal on the island, according to a report by Brandon Turkus

Vintage Cars With Low-Miles Sold At Auction

Some cars sold this weekend's had less than 20 miles on the odometer

A two-day auction this past weekend drew over 10,000 people and featured mostly unsold Chevrolets that have sat untouched for decades. Many of the rare cars and trucks had less than 20 miles on the odometer.

100-year-old electric vehicle 'Sociability Run' revived

These days, electric vehicle activists want to see more public events like EV ride-and-drives and plenty of time for education and socializing. The annual National Plug In Day brings out a lot of fans, but it's certainly not the first time such an event has taken place. On Memorial Day – May 27, 2013 – drivers and fans will show up in Washington, DC, to celebrate the 99th a

Worst of the Worst: AOL Autos rolls out its own list

In the interest of full disclosure, that's my byline on AOL Autos' list of the worst cars from 50 automakers. Yes, it's not the only such list we've seen recently, and you are of course strongly encouraged to let me have it in the comments. Anyone who calls out 50 different automotive brands for their worst FAIL moments had b

Crop circles appear at Goodwood before race

England has seen more than its fair share of crop circles over the years, and the "mysterious" impressions have found their way to Goodwood right in time for its 10th Revival. The crop circles were found in the grass at the West Sussex circuit during final preparations for the Revival, which runs today through Sunday. The Goodwood Revival features vehicles from the 50s and 60s in a re

Prius schmius -- try an Austin-Healey Sprite and 36 mpg

Of course your wallet hurts every time you have to fill the car up. Nevertheless, in these trying times we must always remember the words of Fernando Lamas: it is better to look good than to feel good. Cars That Matter has put together a list of classic automobiles that get anywhere from 21 to 48 mpg, which means you can look good while you save money.

Cali may cancel smog exemption from pre-1976 cars

In California, home of the strictest car emissions regulations in the U.S., cars produced before 1976 do not need to undergo smog testing. California State Senator Dean Florez has proposed legislation that would remove that exemption for cars registered in the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District.