130 Articles
Tesla Model S headed to Vukee carsharing in San Francisco

The San Francisco bay area continues to expand as a carsharing hub, and the latest addition is going to attract some attention. Vukee, a Palo Alto, CA-based company, is introducing the Tesla Model S to carsharers in that market as a way to stand out from larger carsharing providers like

Mercedes teams with Pebble for smartwatch tech

Most automakers have realized by now that a good infotainment system is a must-have feature for many buyers, and have, as a result, invested increasing amounts of time and money developing these technologies. But some automakers are going above and beyond in-car entertainment and navigation technology by focusing on wearable technology as well.

Hudway turns your iOS device into a heads-up display

Smartphones can enhance driving by acting as GPS systems, but Hudway takes the concept to the next level with its app, which turns any device running iOS (and in February 2014, Android) into a heads-up display that can be viewed on your windshield in low-visibility and low-light situations.

VW XL1 gets augmented reality repair app

With a pricetag of about $150,000, buyers of the upcoming, limited-edition Volkswagen XL1 will probably wish that the repair bills be "virtual" as well, but VW's new "augmented reality" feature will only apply to the repairs themselves, at least for now. Europe's biggest automaker, which is preparing to start selling limited numbers of the XL1, is using Munich's InsideAR Conference later this week to show off an augmented reality project that wil

I'm Stuck app informs your elected officials when you're in traffic

Traffic, as we've established, is one of the worst things about driving. Too many motorists on too few roads is enough to ruin one's day, not to mention the impact vehicle congestion has on the environment. Now, though, an app called I'm Stuck can share the misery that comes with being lodged on the 405 for three hours for no apparent reason with the people that have the power to make road improvements: politicians.

Ford's deadline for gas-saving app contest is this week [w/video]

Write some code to save some folks some gas, and you might save about a quarter-century's worth, courtesy of Ford. The US automaker is getting closer to awarding its $50,000 prize for the Ford Personalized Fuel-Efficiency App Challenge, with the deadline for applicants coming up today.

Renault Zoe EV gets an iPad app, with Android to follow

Every now and then, there are moments when a certain reporter concludes he should've studied a bit harder during his four years of high school French. This is certainly one of them. French automaker Renault figures it can improve both sales and exposure of its Zoe electric vehicle by appealing to the hyper-connected set by releasing an app specifically for users of Apple's iPad tablet compu

BMW readying impressive track-focused M Power App

There are a lot of questionable automotive apps that people put on their smartphones these days, but BMW has created what could be one of the most useful and integrated car apps ever. The new M Power App, which will be available this summer only for Apple iPhones, allows BMW owners a whole new way to record their performance on the street or on a track. During the launch of the recent BMW M6 Gran Co

Facebook buying nav/traffic app Waze for $1B?

TechCrunch reports that Facebook is moving to purchase the navigation and traffic app Waze for a lofty sum. The buy would be the latest in a long line of high-dollar acquisitions by the social networking site, and both sides of the acquisition

Quick Play: Table Top Racing

Studio Playrise Digital has recently launched a clever new micro-scaled racing game for Apple's App Store, called Table Top Racing ($2.99). As the name indicates, the basic theme for the iPhone and iPad app is that of a kid staging imaginative "races" with toy cars – all along the surfaces of handy, obstacle-dotted table tops. After spen

Father and son create What's Faster app for iPad [w/video]

If you've ever pondered on whether an Apache helicopter is faster than a Bugatti Veyron, a father and son duo have come up with an iPad app that can help you out with your quandary. The What's Faster app lines up over 625,000 comparisons across a total of 32 categories, including everything from cars and motorcycles to commercial aircraft and South American roller coasters. The game pa

Inrix introduces first global system to guide your car to empty parking spaces

When the book The Secret and the law of attraction was all the rage, one of the most common examples we heard of how people used their innate ability to create whatever they wanted in the world was some variation on, "I envisioned there being an open parking spot." Now you can skip the book and the visualizations with the global parking navigation service launched by Inrix at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show.

Ford and Glympse hook up to give Sync location-sharing technology

Among the numerous apps that Ford has added to its Sync AppLink system is the location-sharing service Glympse. After The app is installed on a smartphone and the phone is paired with the AppLink interface either through Bluetooth or USB, a driver just presses the Sync button on the steering wheel and says, "Send Glympse." With that, the vehicle's location is sent to the other parties he has enabled in the app.

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