24 Articles
Next-gen Honda Fit Hybrid could get 85 mpg in Japan

Honda continues to tease us hybrid-thirsty Americans by revealing more details (or letting them leak out) about its next-generation Fit Hybrid. The upcoming Fit, which is known as the Jazz overseas, will get a whopping 85 miles per gallon on the lenient JC08 Japanese driving test cycle. That'd mark a 36-percent jump from the current version's fuel economy and Danny King

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The perils of trying to create a GM Futurliner registry

General Motors built 12 Futurliners for the three-year futurama road show in the early 1940s known as the "Parade of Progress." Nine of them still exist, and one would think that in a world where we can use a carbon molecule to divine the birth date of a dinosaur and have tiny robots sorting out our feng shui on Mars, we could keep track of nine vehicles. Yet Jonathon Ramsey

DOE's eGallon doesn't take low-cost, overnight charging rates into account

The Department of Energy's eGallon is intended to let plug-in vehicle drivers know how much they're saving per mile compared to motorists in gas-powered rides. It's not perfect (the numbers behind the methodology need to be updated, for starters) but it does attempt to give the average driver an easy-to-understand price tag to look at. Turns out, says the Northeast Group, a Washing

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