
New front fascia, seats coming to Tesla Model S

Rumors say these updates will come with a price hike.

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Ever since the Model S debuted, Tesla has been improving the vehicle with things like bigger battery packs, quicker acceleration, and Autopilot. According to CNET's Roadshow, we might see a slightly bigger update in the near future: a tweaked front fascia that will make the S look more like the Model X or the new Model 3. The luxury electric vehicle will get improved seats (with a cooling option, like the ones in the X), new LED headlights, and more paint options. Perhaps most exciting, these new updates could be officially revealed next week. Least exciting? All of this might come with a price increase, as we've heard before.

One update that Roadshow's sources didn't talk about is the rumored P100D option. If this one is true, then a Model S (and maybe an X) with a 100-kWh battery pack will be coming as well. Tesla, of course, won't talk about future products, and gave Roadshow this statement:

We don't comment on rumor or speculation about future releases. Tesla is constantly innovating and adding new features to our vehicles to perpetually improve Tesla vehicles for our existing and future customers. We price our vehicles consistently throughout the world which requires us to adjust pricing to foreign currency exchange rates. We have let customers know that some price changes will take effect in early April. We always encourage those interested in purchasing Model S to place their order so they can start enjoying the many benefits of Model S today.

In other words, Tesla is saying that it might do all those things, but you'll just have to wait and find out. Also, you should just order your S now.

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