
Man confronts drunk driver trying to flee the scene of a crash

Two men in West Virginia helped put a repeat drunk driver behind bars after they refused to let him leave the scene of a crash he caused only moments earlier. DJ Shalvey and his friend Jason Boone were riding bikes over the weekend when they stumbled upon the scene of a bad accident in Wheeling, WV.

They came across James Wilson, who was wandering from his crumpled black truck when the two friends spotted him. Shalvey told WTRF7 that Wilson approached them, asking if either of the men were named "Joe" and asking for a ride away from the crash. He was clearly intoxicated. That's when the two friends realized Wilson was the cause of the destruction. The two men chased after Wilson, filming his attempted to leave the scene along the way.

"Look at what you did. You caused a massive accident and probably killed somebody," Shalvey said in the video. Shalvey told the news station that crying and screaming could be heard coming from the crash. In the car that Wilson hit, a mother and her baby were reeling from the sudden impact. Shalvey insisted throughout the video that Wilson return to the scene, while Wilson denied causing the crash. He told the men that he was going to return to a friend's house near by, but that wasn't good enough.

"Start marching dude," Boone said as he filmed the encounter. "I'm video taping so you don't need to go anywhere. Dude you reek of alcohol, you need to get down buddy." The two men led a dazed and inebriated Wilson back to the scene of the crash and waited until police arrived. Wilson was arrested and charged with his third DUI, as well as leaving the scene of an accident that caused injury. He's now incarcerated at the Northern Regional Jail. The mother and child in the car hit by Wilson did not suffer serious injuries.

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