
Bar turns bathrooms into jail cells in an effort to curb drunk driving

A bar in Salt Lake City redesigned its bathrooms to give patrons a scare just in time for Halloween last week. Only it wasn't cobwebs and ghosts spooking customers, but orange jumpsuits and bars. The jail themed bathrooms were set up in a Utah bar called SKY SLC to try and scare drinkers into finding a ride home.

Jacob Torres, manager of SKY SLC, told NBC 26 that the jail decor in the bathroom was to remind his patrons that drunk driving is always dangerous, whether you're worrying about other people's lives or your own rap sheet. The bathroom is certainly an immersive experience.

"You see yourself in that uniform, and behind you it's your cell and it's like, 'Do I want to do this – is this worth it?" Torres told NBC. The makeover was part of a partnership between the bar, the Utah Highway Patrol, and the state safety office. It was dressed up in time for Halloween, when DUIs are higher than usual. Signs reading "Ever wonder what a DUI looks like?" were hung around the bathroom, in case partiers didn't get the message.

"It definitely sends a message that people know – think twice about drinking and driving because it`s kind of a shock like, 'oh my gosh this could be my little cell for how long. Not worth it at all," said Torres. This isn't the first time bathrooms have been used to get the word out about drinking and driving. An advertising firm in the UK put exploding mirrors in a men's bathrooms to mimic a shattered windshield to detour men from driving home after one too many at the pub.

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