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Colorado company making American Ute dreams come true

Randy Reese is the Colorado dreamcatcher for those who still light votive candles at the altar of Our Lady of El Camino. He fulfills his role by importing the bodies of Australian utes, like the one pictured above, and installing them on the chassis' of fully US-compliant cars like the Pontiac GTO, G8, or Chevrolet Caprice or Impala. His two-year-old company only builds a few cars a year - each one takes 2.5 months - but they're all fully done up with their original safety equipment, accessories, Customs paperwork and VIN.

Jalopnik has the tale of how a bad divorce, a supercharger, a bunch of Hummer H3s and a trip to Australia led Reese to Left Hand Utes, and just one little click can take you there.

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