
Powerball winner's first purchase will be used Acura NSX off Craigslist

We don't play the lottery very often, but when we do, even a five-dollar win is cause for celebration. So we can't possibly imagine how Paul White from Minnesota is feeling after scoring a third of this week's $448 million Powerball jackpot. It has to be an overwhelming experience, but we think he's going to end up handling it well if his first press conference is any indication.

Like some of us, White has a pretty reasonable idea of what his first purchase is, and boy, is it a good one: an early Acura NSX. Yes, this man has class. Rather than run out and buy a clichéd Rolls-Royce or Lamborghini, his first instinct is to go pick up a $30,000 Acura that he has been eyeing on Craigslist for months. It's enough to make us wonder if he'll use his winnings to get on the list for one of Acura's new NSXs when they finally come around in 2015.

Watch White describe what it is about the NSX that makes heart skip a beat in the press conference video from USA Today below (note: video autoplays).

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