Meet the real star of Drive, Ryan Gosling's stuntman

Drive, starring Ryan Gosling, looks like it will rank among 2011's most car-guy-friendly (albeit cheesy) movies. Gosling's character is named, simply, "Driver," and his sole job is to -- you guessed it -- drive. And drive he does, out-maneuvering a Chrysler 300 in a jet-black Ford Mustang GT in one of the action sequences.

Of course, Ryan Gosling isn't quite capable of a full-speed reverse 270 on the freeway, and Hollywood studios are averse to putting their marquee actors in danger. Thus, Gosling's driving was done by a double. talked to the man responsible for the wheelwork, and he has some good stories to tell. Hit the jump to hear him talk about his experiences on the production, including an unlikely goof that wound up being in the film's climax.

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