'Twas the ABG before Christmas...

'Twas the ABG before Christmas (again), and all around,
there was talk that this, finally, was the year we found;

That Santa delivered mass-produced plug-ins – maybe they flew? –
into the driveways of the lucky and dedicated few;

"It's been a long time coming," the old timers, said,
"You whippersnappers don't know how many Christmases we've waited;

For cars like these to call our very own,
If you're nice, we'll let you drive ours around town";

When out on the Internet's lawn there arose quite a clatter,
because it doesn't take much for trolls to chatter;

Their complaints were that not everything has arrived on time,
and not everyone could say, "I got mine";

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a new year full of green car cheer;

It won't be like the others, we know,
Because now we go from hope to driving in snow;

And rain and dry desert hear and say, "On electrons or diesel!, on hybrids and veggie oil
and all other alternatives, "To the top of the world! to the top of the charts!"

We must dash away! dash away this insane argument that plug-ins aren't for everyone!
After all, they're only for people with smarts."

(Hey, we're still bloggers, and not poets. Check out some of our Santa posts from past years here, here and here. And Happy Holidays.)

[Image: me5otron – C.C. License 2.0]

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