What can Brown do for you? How about a custom Lamborghini safe

Lamborghini safe by Brown – Click above for high-res image gallery

Terms like "safe" and "vault-like" (particularly when describing that thud from closing a high-end car's door) get thrown around a lot in this business. But once in a while something crosses our virtual desks that brings the terminology back to its literal meaning, all without losing that octane-drenched allure.

Curiously, they all seem to revolve around the Volkswagen Group's most up-scale brands. So after having brought you news of home safes built to Bugatti and Bentley specifications comes another built for – you guessed it – Lamborghini. Unlike those built for its corporate cousins by Stockinger, the Lamborghini safe you see here was crafted by Brown Safe Manufacturing upon commission by a solitary customer and trimmed specifically to match the client's own Lambo. It's built to house jewelry and watches, but could probably keep the keys to the Murcielago safe from any unwanted Ferris Bueller reenactments when the parents go out of town. Have a closer look in the gallery below.

[Source: Brown via Teamspeed.com]

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