Honda FCX Clarity available for the G8 summit

For the upcoming G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit in northern Japan in early July, a lot of advanced technology vehicles will be on display and used to move officials and dignitaries (oh, and media representatives) around. Honda is the latest to announce their starting lineup, and it includes the hydrogen fuel cell-powered FCX Clarity (above) and nine Civic hybrids. Don't care about Honda's wheeled inventions? Then spend time with ASIMO humanoid robot and some CIGS thin solar cells, both of which will be at the Environmental Showcase during the summit. More details on these two items after the jump.

Other vehicles that will be showcased and used at the summit are the Nissan X-Trail diesel, ten Mitsubishi iMiEVs, and 78 hybrid and hydrogen vehicles from Toyota.

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Press Release:

Honda to Provide its New Fuel Cell Vehicle, FCX Clarity, and Other Technologies for the Hokkaido Toyako Summit

TOKYO, Japan, June 10, 2008– Honda Motor Co., Ltd. will provide its new fuel cell vehicle, FCX Clarity, as well as Civic Hybrid and other advanced technologies for the Hokkaido Toyako Summit to be held July 7-9, 2008.

Honda decided to participate in support of the Japanese government's effort to showcase the most advanced environmental technologies at this Hokkaido Toyako Summit.

In addition to providing environmentally-responsible vehicles, Honda is to exhibit its advanced environmental technologies including the CIGS(*) thin film solar cells, of which Honda began mass production and sales in 2007, as well as the Honda FC Stack, which is installed in FCX Clarity.

Moreover, Honda plans to demonstrate ASIMO at the Environmental Showcase (which will be located within the International Media Center, IMC, for exhibitions and demonstrations of Japan's environmental technologies.)
(*) A compound of copper, indium, gallium and selenium (CIGS)

List of items Honda provides for Hokkaido Toyako Summit
  • Honda's new fuel cell vehicle FCX Clarity (1 unit) - For outdoor exhibition and test drives at International Media Center (IMC)
  • Civic Hybrid (9 units) - For transportation of government officials of each participating country
  • Honda FC Stack - Exhibition at Environmental Showcase
  • CIGS(*) thin film solar cells - Exhibition at Environmental Showcase
  • ASIMO - For demonstrations at Environmental Showcase, etc.
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[Source: Honda]

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