OK, folks, here's the LionEV response

Well, this is turning into a they said-they said situation, but here goes.

Yesterday we posted about LionEV's first actual delivery of a 2008 Ford Ranger converted to run on pure electric power. Almost immediately, we got comments questioning the validity of LionEV's claims/business. Following some quick Googling, it turned out that there is no lack of negativity aimed at LionEV on the Internets (examples here and here). I said I'd contact LionEV get their side of the story, and someone named James in the LionEV inventory department sent me an email today. I've pasted the whole thing after the jump, but here are some key lines (in italics).

My office assigned me to contact you in reference to your article. I handled the responses to two other negative postings on other blogs. I guess that since I handle inventory/shipping/ordering, they figure I have spare time :)

Well, that certainly won't do a lot to quiet the people saying that LionEV isn't serious about shipping the vehicles they've accepted orders for.

If you browse the web or Google to your hearts content you are going to find negative articles originated only by these four men. In no article, or any blog, will you find ANY individual who states that they were in any way dis-satisfied with their LionEV electric vehicle. This is because we work very hard to make sure that all of our customers are satisfied.

Um, if the first converted Ranger EV was just delivered, then who is out there to say they're unhappy with their vehicle? The main line of complaint is that the vehicles were not delivered. So, color me unconvinced by this statement.

Today we are delivering a Ford Escape LionEV to Los Angeles, CA. The event is being published in the LA Times. I will send the link to you as soon as the publication releases it to me. Watch the electronic version of the paper and within 24 hours you will see the same four men attack the commentary page of that article online.

That is certainly a story we will read with great interest. Until then, continue past the jump for the entire letter from James and to add your comments.

Full response from James at LionEV:

My office assigned me to contact you in reference to your article. I handled the responses to two other negative postings on other blogs. I guess that since I handle inventory/shipping/ordering, they figure I have spare time :)

I didn't read the postings of the others to see the authors, because I can already tell you who they are. There are four individuals that repeatedly slam LionEV. I am upset that they would paint Mr. Barkley in a bad light, I have worked with him for several weeks and he is a very nice gentleman. He is not a voice in the wilderness, he is a man who is trying to improve EV performance, and we support him 100%!
The criticism of LionEV began in early 2006. It began shortly after a prototype battery pack ruptured in the back of one of our test trucks. The company that produced that pack guaranteed that it was built to our specifications and electrolyte purity. Upon disecting the packs we found that they were junk. The contract to produce our cells was awarded to MIT, and the other company was fired. The problems began about that time.
If you browse the web or Google to your hearts content you are going to find negative articles originated only by these four men. In no article, or any blog, will you find ANY individual who states that they were in any way dis-satisfied with their LionEV electric vehicle. This is because we work very hard to make sure that all of our customers are satisfied.
Today we are delivering a Ford Escape LionEV to Los Angeles, CA. The event is being published in the LA Times. I will send the link to you as soon as the publication releases it to me. Watch the electronic version of the paper and within 24 hours you will see the same four men attack the commentary page of that article online.
I read one post by a guy with the initials SC, one of the four, and sent him an email from my personal account asking him to tell me clarify the details of his claims. He didn't answer. Two more emails and he still didn't answer. He's just a sniper.
On a positive note. I work with the webmaster to maintain our website. Today I was handled the traffic facts printout from our site. I knew something was up because our traffic jumped 20,000 hits in one day. You have a very well read blog, and the article looked nice though I did not delve in to the garbage that followed.
I will send you the LA Times link when I get it. In the meantime, fire back a response to these jokers and ask them to give you some names/dates/details, not just broadsides. Also ask them if the letters PRFE mean anything to them.
[Source: James at LionEV]

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