Montana ZENN dealer Eco Auto talks to Electric Cars Are For Girls

Readers who click through all of the links that we offer you in a day might remember Ron Gompertz, the owner of Eco Auto, Inc. He was mentioned in an article on MSNBC about eco-car dealers in the U.S. Lynne Mason over at Electric Cars Are For Girls has gotten hold of Gompertz for a lengthy Q&A on what it's like to sell EVs and other green cars in Bozeman, Montana. Gompertz sells ZENN, Miles, Evader scooters, SNUGG electric bicycles, and Smart cars, and will ship them to you no matter where you live in America. How does he feel about the two NEV makers on his list? Gompertz told Mason that, "For electric cars, we chose the Zenn and the Miles. They're both excellent quality electric cars that you can plug in like a cell phone, and both easily adaptable to Montana's 35mph NEV speed limit."
Read the whole thing over at the girly EV site.

[Source: Electric Cars Are For Girls]

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