Audi's "Electronic Driver Trainer" can help drivers reduce fuel consumption

Telemetrics. Monday's Edmunds Inside Line article on Audi's new fuel-saving navigation system doesn't use that word, but that's what the article is about. Audi is working on an environment-aware driver feedback system that "takes 'consumption-relevant data into account' and an onboard electronic driver trainer now under development that 'is able to analyze the current driving style and give tips accordingly,'" according to Inside Line, and if that doesn't say telemetrics, I don't know what does. The system can't do everything, though, and Audi reps were clear in stating that reducing fuel consumption is ultimately the responsibility of the driver.

There's plenty more good news in Inside Line's report, including info on a compressed natural gas engine, Audi's goal to cut CO2 emissions by 20 percent by 2012, and a plans for new Audi diesels. Go ahead and give it a read.

[Source: Inside Line]

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