8 Articles
New study shows killed Florida High Speed Rail would have been money maker

Last week newly-elected Florida Governor Rick Scott turned down $2.4 billion in Federal money for a high speed rail project despite knowledge of a newly revealed Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) study that forecast the venture would net a $10 million surplus in its very first year of operation. He did so saying that the Sunshine State couldn't afford to build th

High-speed rail projects facing massive cuts

With Republicans in control of Congress and the Federal pursestrings, they've got to make good on their campaign promise to bring spending back in line. Near the top of their cut list is the proposed national high-speed rail program, and during tonight's State of the Union, President Obama will attempt to assuage fears that the GOP axe will slice deep into the country's infrastructure.

SolarBullet Campaign shoots for high-speed solar train

There's no doubt that solar energy is one of the greenest sources of electricity and the idea of using it to power transportation is not new. We've seen solar-powered boats and solar-powered cars before, among other things, but we didn't know until now that a solar-powered high-speed train was on anyone's drawing board. Apparently, it is.

Japan ups the ante again on high speed trains, 217 mph!

The Japanese already have some of the fastest trains in the world and it looks like Kawasaki Heavy Industries is about to give travelers another reason not to get airborne. The new Environmentally Friendly Super Express Train will hit speeds up to 217 mph thanks to a slick shape to slice through the air and lightweight construction. Those same features will help the electrically-powered super-train use less energy. Also contributing to reduced energy consumption is a regenerative braking system