21 Articles
New Kia Ray is Korea's first production EV

Kia has unveiled the automaker's very first production electric vehicle. The Kia Ray EV will offer buyers a range of around 86 miles depending on driving conditions and will include a fast-charge option that should top off the cells in around 25 minutes. Otherwise, expect the 16.4-kWh lithium-ion battery pack to take around six hours to char

Interstate-5 in Washington to become "electric highway"?

The state of Washington is hoping to turn the interstate 5 corridor that runs from Canadian border to Oregon into the nation's first electric highway. With the help of a $1.32 million federal grant, Washington hopes to install between seven and 10 so-called Level 3 electric vehicle charging stations along the main north-south road. Level 3 stations charge at 400 volts and 30 amps or more. Such stations can charge a typical EV battery to 80 percent full in under 30 minutes.

JFE to conduct field trials of super-rapid charger by year's end

Early last month, we broke a story regarding a super-rapid charging system that could take an electric vehicle (EV) from empty to 50 percent charged up in as little as three minutes. The super-rapid charging system, developed by JFE Engineering, could potentially change the EV industry forever. Just imagine, an EV could be charged in about

New battery charger is supposedly really fast - from 0 to 50 percent in just 3 minutes

What if you could charge an electric vehicle (EV) in about the same amount of time that its take to fuel up a gasoline car? Would EVs reach mainstream status if charging them was a simple, three minute procedure? Well, we may find out soon. The Nikkei newspaper is reporting that Japen-based JFE Engineering Corp. has developed an entirely new charging system that can take an electric vehicle from empty to halfway charged in just three minutes. Get your stopwatches ready.

Coulomb's "gas" pump ChargePoint ups the ante with 30-minute electric car refills

All of the Coulomb Technologies charging units that we've seen thus far are rectangular units that sit on poles or hang from the wall. A new ChargePoint unit that Coulomb is developing with Aker Wade Power Technologies looks much more like a standard gas pump and, more importantly, will provide fast Level 3 charging. These units, which will be available to buy this fall for around $40,000 (and $20,000 to install!), draw power from dedicated 480-volt, 125-amp circuits and can theoretically deliv

Geneva Preview: Protoscar teases LAMPO2

It seems all kinds of automakers are sending out strong hints about the vehicles they will have on display at the 80th edition of the Geneva International Motor Show taking place in early March. Protoscar is proving no exception with the release of the teaser image you see above. No exception, that is, but for the fact that the company is really more of an auto designer than maker. The previous version of Domenick Yoney

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