
Dramatic New Zealand auto safety ad gives pause for the cause

Admit it. We all do it. Tacking on the extra five to seven miles per hour while driving. Speeding, but not really speeding... or "comfortably" speeding as the New Zealand Transport Agency puts it. Hoping to show that exceeding the posted limit – at any speed – is dangerous, the agency has released this emotional public service announcement that is sure to get your attention.

The video looks at that tense moment when you approach an intersection and another driver pulls out unexpectedly. The unique bit about this ad is the shocking yet conversational way the Subaru and Nissan drivers approach the possibility of an accident.

The moral of the video is that no matter how much (or how little) you're speeding, the extra velocity still reduces your available time to react, and the simple mistakes of other drivers are amplified. Scroll down to watch the New Zealand PSA for yourself, and let us know in the Comments how you think it compares to one of the most heart-wrenching and oddly beautiful safety videos in memory.

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