Video: The most beautiful seatbelt advocacy commercial ever?

Embrace Life PSA – click above to watch the video

Over the years, we've seen plenty of public safety announcements that tackle the issue of buckling up behind the wheel. Most rely on fear to convey their message – be it fear of a police citation ("Click it or ticket") or the menace of graphic violence, dismemberment and death.

This slow-motion spot from the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, however, takes a different tack without sacrificing its effectiveness or drama, all while adding an unexpected element of artistry and grace to go along with the obligatory heartstring-tugging. (And before you ask, yes, it most certainly reminds us of a certain incredible Radiohead music video). Check it out after the jump and see if you don't agree. Hat tip to Duy!

[Source: Sussex Safer Roads Partnership via YouTube]

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