
Fiat co-opts Jeep tagline for new Panda campaign

Recognize that tag line? It was used in the first ad for the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee, a 90-second spot devoted to resetting our image of Jeep and, subtly, America itself. Chrysler parent Fiat evidently thinks so much of the tagline that they've taken it to Italy for use in the ad campaign for the 2012 Fiat Panda.

Italy's had a tough time of late: just as it was trying to get Berlusconi and his "bunga bunga" in the rearview, its debt crisis went from 'critical' to 'euro-zone threatening,' austerity measures led to social and labor unrest, and now comes the capsized Costa Concordia and an Italian captain with the unique ability to trip and fall into a lifeboat before his passengers.

The Panda doesn't softly beat the drum of national spirit, it instead presents the Panda as just one symbol of what Italy can be if it is dedicated to working its way out of its funk. The Panda is so symbolic that, unlike in the Jeep commercial, the narrator never mentions the car. It's airing on Italian television now, and you can see it after the jump.

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