
Alabama strikes again: Second foreign autoworker has run-in with police

Something tells us this isn't what the Alabama legislature had in mind when it created a new anti-illegal immigration law. A Honda worker on temporary assignment in Alabama was recently ticketed in Talladega County at a checkpoint for not having an Alabama driver's license. The individual provided both a Japanese passport and an international driver's license, but still caught flak from local authorities. According to reports, the Honda employee hasn't been authorized to speak about the charges and has asked not to be named. The individual is currently working with authorities to find a satisfactory solution to the situation.

This is the second foreign autoworker that has run into trouble over the Alabama illegal immigration legislation. Last month, a German manager with Mercedes-Benz was arrested after he was stopped and failed to produce any ID beyond his German identification card. The issue was later resolved when a colleague provided the man's passport and a separate driver's license.

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