
Darrell Issa asks 15 automakers if higher CAFE level might hurt sales, safety

Darrell Issa is on a mission. The House Republican from California is stepping up his quest to figure out if the new CAFE standards are part of President Obama's "Green-Energy Agenda is Killing Jobs" (Okay, technically, that's Issa's report about Solyndra, but it shows where he's coming from) or potentially affecting safety.
On Monday, Issa – who is the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee – sent long letters (11 pages, according to the Detroit News) to CEOs of 15 automakers. The letters ask "detailed questions about the government's 2017-25 proposed fuel economy regulations." That would be the 54.5 mile per gallon fuel economy standards that have been almost universally accepted since they were announced (Volkswagen excepted). Issa wants to know exactly who met with White House officials as the 54.5 mpg deal was being hammered out earlier this year. He's also asking about how the more-efficient vehicles will "impact auto sales, safety, consumer choice and whether the government is treating diesel vehicles fairly," the News writes. The California Air Resources Board, which was a part of the negotiations, apparently already gave Issa thousands of pages of documents. Issa gave the automakers until December 12 to respond.

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