Report: PR guy behind Chrysler Twitter debacle gets new job

Everybody deserves a second chance, even the guy who dropped an F-bomb on the official Chrysler Twitter account. The Detroit News reports that Scott Bartosiewicz, the former New Media Strategies employee who accidently sent an expletive-laden tweet expressing frustration about his fellow Detroit motorists, has been hired by the Arts, Beats and Eats in Royal Oak, MI to bolster the suburban Detroit event's Twitter presence. The annual art, food, and music festival is sponsored by Ford, which is one F-word Bartosiewicz is sure to drop on a regular basis.

It's nice to see Arts, Beats and Eats give Bartosiewicz a second chance to earn a living, but unfortunately for his former employer, the marketing firm is still without the Chrysler account. Bartosiewicz has hired a lawyer to look into whether his TweetDeck utility accidentally sent his personal profane text to the wrong account.

[Source: The Detroit News | Image: WXYZ-TV Detroit]

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