When Tweeting Goes Wrong: Chrysler accidentally throws out F-bomb *Update

crysler f-bomb tweet For those of you who don't use Twitter, these next few sentences will be rather odd. Most companies maintain a Twitter account these days as a means of directly reaching out to potential customers and the public in general. The Chrysler account had an interesting message broadcast to the world this morning.

While we find it hilarious, it's also rather unfortunate. Chrysler has deleted the tweet, stating its "account was compromised earlier today" and "We're taking steps to resolve it." The Twitter account was handled by third-party company New Media Strategies, and it seems highly likely that someone there thought they were tweeting on their personal account. Whoops.

*Update: Chrysler's official response can be found after the break. Spoiler: the NMS employee responsible was terminated.

[Source: Twitter via Jalopnik]
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Chrysler Group Response to #MotorCity Tweet

This morning an inappropriate comment was issued from the Chrysler brand Twitter handle, @ChryslerAutos, via our social media agency of record, New Media Strategies (NMS). After further investigation, it was discovered that the statement was issued by an NMS employee, who has since been terminated.

Chrysler Group and its brands do not tolerate inappropriate language or behavior, and apologize to anyone who may have been offended by this communication.

Furthermore, the Company has set in place appropriate steps to ensure that this does not happen again.

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